City of heroes lore abilities
City of heroes lore abilities

Alek’s nickname came from another area however. The leader for their guild was referred to as The Lich. In Shadowbane, the main RP for my guild (Guardians of Aerynth) was in contention with another guild (The Undead Lords). I drew back to the lore of Shadowbane for his history, and the in game events to fill out his growth. Barbarosa the Judicator, or Justicar Barbarosa was a title based off his appearance and demeanor/personality. I got rid of the german accent, and made him more English/British in nature. It was at this point that I decided upon a real name for him, rather than simply a title. I didn’t go around talking to the NPCs, that would just be creepy, but in my mind, it felt alive.

city of heroes lore abilities

There was never any RP in Guild Wars, but I still played him, for myself, as if it were RP with the NPCs. I played Guild Wars for a short while after that, and there I had a Ranger/Warrior named Justicar Barbarosa. After issue 5 in CoH, I stopped playing, mainly due to frustration over how they were repeatedly killing off my favorite character’s capabilities. The lore and continuity of CoH couldn’t support the character being role-played, but I did make a character themed after him, which was a Broadsword/Super Reflexes scrapper with green and brown leathers for his costume. I ended up not lingering in Shadowbane for long, and after Shadowbane I played City of Heroes. I gave him a red beard, and originally played him with a german accent. With my love of history in mind, I went with Barbarosa the Judicator. Alexander the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Edward Longshanks the Avaricious) so I decided to try out that trend, and check out the RP. He told me there was a trend with a lot of role players on Mourning, naming their characters in the style of ancient Europe’s titling systems. I learned about it while on the test server, from someone who normally played on the Mourning server. I had been playing Shadowbane for a little while before I discovered RP existed there. He wielded a two-handed sword with expertise.

city of heroes lore abilities

I played him there as a Human Ranger Blademaster. As I’ve stated in a previous post, my first RP experience came from AOL Chat-room based RP, however, my first experience in a game with RP was in Shadowbane, around 2001, or so.

city of heroes lore abilities

This character was born in my first online RP experience within a game I played. Now mind you, I don’t mean older in character age, but rather a character who has lived longer within my mind. So, to kick off this idea, I felt I’d share on one of my older characters.

#City of heroes lore abilities how to

I came up with this idea rather on the ball today, as I was thinking last night upon how to progress with my story.

City of heroes lore abilities